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First, why do I need to prepare for the NMLS SAFE Exam?

Providing tools you need to pass the NMLS SAFE test the first time!

 1. Individualized Instruction from the author of

Mortgage Principles & Practices--a nationally

distributed textbook used by many schools.

2. Six hours of non-stop instruction to prepare to pass the NMLS SAFE exam (from 10 am to 4 pm)

3. Comprehensive study materials focused on all test topics.  See the study material

4. Practice tests with up-to-date questions that will assess topics that require further study prior to taking the NMLS SAFE exam.

5. Continuing support that allows a student to learn and understand topics that present challenges for understanding.

6. Detailed instruction on topics such as math calculations, appraisals, adjustable rate mortgages, construction loans in addition to the mandated curriculum.

7. Continous contact with instructor to ensure comprehension of the test material prior to taking the National Test.

Please Bring:

1) Highlighters   

2) Calculator

3) Textbook 

4) Pens/Pencils  

5) Legal Pad or Notebook

6) Note-cards 50 count

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