IPassedthe SAFExam.com
Helping Mortgage Professionals
Pass the NMLS Safe Exam with an intense, personal study session!
IPassedtheSAFExam serves the mortgage industry professional in three areas of expertise:
1) Preparing for the NMLS SAFE National Test takes the best training and instruction to pass the test the very first time. The study methods, information and testing tools assist the student to pass the test on the first attempt.
2) Mortgage companies often need an outside consultant to assist them with training, compliance or loan review. With over 30 years experience and thousands of hours of research of all mortgage information, we offer expert consultation and guidance.
3) When a licensee finds themselves involved in regulatory or civil proceedings, an independent consultant, such as Gary N. Smith, can assist the licensee or their counsel in preparation of their case. With a smart combination of knowledge of the regulations and law combined with a long history of practical mortgage experience, we are an invaluable asset to the case.